Wednesday, May 16, 2012

基于业务设计技术架构(兼谈12306性能问题)by 陈勇

敏捷开发产品管理系列之八:基于业务设计技术架构(兼谈12306性能问题), 陈勇从业务员的角度分析怎么解决春节火车订票系统12306崩溃的问题。很有启发性。比方他提到的排队设计,确实是解决问题的好办法之一。


Monday, May 7, 2012

Why Scalar Optimization Is Important by Richard Friedman

In this interesting article, Richard mentioned a very simple yet important Amdahl's Law. ('s_law#Parallelization)

Below is the formula.

S = T/((1-f)T+fT/N) = 1/(1-f+f/N)

He gave an example that If we can get half the executable code to run in parallel, and the other half running in one processor, what speedup can we expect on a 64–processor system?

Well, that gives a speedup S = 1.97 only!

The basic point here is that we should take the scalar latency optimization seriously when tuning the whole system. However we should not be misled by author to under estimate the importance of parallel as well for it is also important factor for another axis of the system performance measurement - throughput. Without high throughput support, low latency can be screwed while system load is heavy.

Original post of Richard is at, however it cannot be accessed or found in WWW any more. It is now collected in book "The Developer's Edge", which is an interesting book for reading.

The Developer's Edge

It is very generous that authors have published this book freely online at 

One of the author Darryl's blog address is . You can always find the correct download link there.